Ernesto Cabral de Luna is a Mexican lens-based artist working in Toronto.  Working through analog and digital processes, he utilizes his own photographs, archived imagery and documents to create still images and short animations emphasizing the multi-dimensionality and materiality of the image. His work centers around altering perception through image manipulation – providing new ways to experience recognizable imagery in unconventional manners and outside of their intended purpose.  

Drawing from his immigrant experience, Ernesto explores themes of identity and representation, creating artwork that is relatable to people who feel like they are from two worlds in one sense, and from neither in another.  

Ernesto received his BFA in photography from OCAD University in 2024.  A recipient of OCAD’s 2021 Wendy Coburn Art and Social Change Scholarship, he has exhibited at Ada Slaight Gallery, Xpace Cultural Center and Riverdale Hub Gallery and Abbozzo Gallery.  Ernesto was selected for the Toronto Raptors’ 2022 Welcome Toronto Creators Program.

Browse through Ernesto's Portfolio

Link to Ernesto's CV



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